Kinetic Paintings on Clay Board
These One -Of- A -Kind Kinetic paintings are created from two originals painted on Clay Board. They are planned to be viewed individually as well as combined to make a third middle view. The first step in my creation is to do a complex pencil drawing of what the middle view will look like. Then I create the two individual paintings on Clay Board. Clay Board is a time consuming process of etching into a white Porcelain Clay surface that has been painted with Watercolor. The cuts create the detailed texture on the surface and they are then glazed with thin transparent layers of Oil Paint. This seals the paintings so they do not need glass for protection.
The two originals are sawed into vertical narrow strips and joined together at 45 degree angles. The joined line is beaded with fine glass seed beads to connect the paintings and create another design element. When viewed from an extreme angle of either side, the beads appear as a solid design. The beaded design is planned so that it works compatibly with both original paintings.
There are four distinct views created by the two originals and the beads: 1.Left View 2.Right View 3.Center View 4.The beaded edge.
The two originals are sawed into vertical narrow strips and joined together at 45 degree angles. The joined line is beaded with fine glass seed beads to connect the paintings and create another design element. When viewed from an extreme angle of either side, the beads appear as a solid design. The beaded design is planned so that it works compatibly with both original paintings.
There are four distinct views created by the two originals and the beads: 1.Left View 2.Right View 3.Center View 4.The beaded edge.
ebony and ivory |
Ebony and Ivory
On the left side of the painting, the sun shines on Ebony and the moonlit skies light the white wolf Ivory. There are 9 stars in the night sky forming the constellation Lupus or Wolf Constellation that is found in the Southern Hemisphere. The stars are emphasized in the beadwork that connects the two original paintings together. Both original paintings are connected by Eagle feathers decorated with red ribbons and Turquoise beads. Ebony and Ivory
20 x 25 Framed 12 x 17 Image with hand-stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist. $5,900. |
Sun bear |
Sun Bear
Inspired by the privilege of seeing two recent Solar Eclipses in Albuquerque, 2023and Las Cruces, NM, 2024 The last time I saw a Solar Eclipse was in 1960. It’s amazing every time The Black Bear is on the left side of the Kinetic painting and the Sun burst design with bear paw and bear fetish is on the right side. Image 14 x 26 Framed 24 x 36 with hand-stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist. $8,500. |
royalty |
Royalty The King of beasts becomes a Monarch Butterfly. Or is it the other way around? As the viewer moves past the painting the change takes place as the view point changes. Image 14 x 26 Framed 24 x 36 with hand-stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist. $8,500. |
humm-along |
The left side view are blooming Prickly Pear Cactus flowers and green Nopal fruits with a female Broad Tail Hummingbird. When viewed from the middle both hummingbirds are facing each other and the flowers are starting to ripen. Continue passing the painting and the fully ripen Nopal fruits are with the male Broadtail Hummingbird The two originals were sawed into strips and assembled on angles. They are connected with a seed bead pattern that can be seen as a separate design from either extreme angle. There are four views; left, center, right and the beaded edge with a diamond shape in sunset colors. Image size 9 x 25" Framed 17 x 33" with hand-stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist. $6,200. |
humdinger |
Male and female Broad Tail Hummingbirds on either side of the lower Hedgehog cactus that opens and closes as the viewer passes by. the sun design changes into a medallion with a beaded hummingbird design. Image size 13 x 19 Framed 23 x 29 with hand-stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist. $6,600. |
Bear Pole Dancers |
Bear Pole Dancers
The top bear cub is on the left side view and the baby bear cub on bottom can be seen from the right side view. When viewed from the middle both bear cubs can be seen at the same time. They are dancing on the pole for your entertainment. The two originals were sawed into strips and assembled on angles. They are connected with a seed bead pattern that can be seen as a separate design from either extreme angle. Image size 24 x 17 Framed 34 x 27
with hand-stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist. $9,800. |
star walkers |
Star Walkers
The Big Dipper and Little Dipper also called Big Bear and Little Bear are in the night sky in both left and right paintings. Both Grizzly and Black Bears are walking in the stars among their constellations. In the middle there are 5 bears - 1 Black Bear - 2 Grizzlies - 2 Bears formed by stars and nebulas. Image 13 x 27 Framed 23 x 37 with hand stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist. $9,400.
night spirits |
Night Spirits
The Barn Owl and Great Horned Owl are both from a rescue center in NM. The owl is a visionary of the future in many Native Cultures. Image 21 x 27 Framed 31 x 37 with hand stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist. $15,300. |
red hawk |
Red Hawk
Two originals created on Clay Board. On the left side view, the Red Tail Hawk is in flight across the sun with a tail feather in the foreground and the right side view features the bird with outstretched wings. We have Red Tail hawks in Southern New Mexico. I see them almost everyday on my morning walks. Image 10 x 16 Framed 14 x 20 with hand stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist. $4,500. |
the patriot |
The Patriot
Spirit is from a Bald Eagle from a raptor rescue center. He was injured and unable to be released but is now used to educate people about wild life. This bird has a beautiful spirit and is well named. Even though he can't fly, in the painting The Patriot, he soars as it was meant to be. A percentage of my originals, involving rescued animals, is donated to the centers that help support their care. Image 15 x 24 Framed 25 x 34 with hand stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist. $9,400. |
tatanka brothers |
Tatanka Brothers
The Buffalo Soldier played an important part in Western History. Recently freed slaves from the South found work in the West with the US Army. "Buffalo Soldiers" were named by Native Americans when they saw that their skin color and hair texture were like buffalo. The Native Americans said that the soldiers fought like a wounded buffalo and honored their valor in battle. My model, Don Parish, does impressions of a Buffalo Soldier in the 9th Cavalry. The first Buffalo Soldier unit was the 10th Cavalry and the 9th was formed from the 10th. In the Lakota language, Tatanka means “buffalo”. In the Kinetic Painting (Right Side), Don is reclined and smoking a corn cob pipe, one of the few pleasures that a Buffalo Soldier might have had. The smoke curls from the pipe and begins to turn into buffalo. as the viewer moves to the other side of the painting; two life like buffalo are on either side of a Medicine Wheel. Don rightfully takes great pride in the authenticity of his uniform, tack, equipment and his horse, Ghost. From shackles to glory, Don tells the stories of the Buffalo Soldiers and how they helped settle the Western frontier. Image 24 x 41 Framed 36 x 53 with hand stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist. $39,000. |
four directions |
Four Directions
was created with two original paintings on Clay Board. There are 4 horses that represent the rainbow of mankind: Red, Yellow, Black and White. The colors are related to the four directions: Red is South; Yellow is East; Black is West and White is North. There are two horses on each side of the painting. When you stand in the middle, you see all four horses at the same time. There are four main views: Left side, Center, Right side and the edge where the connective bead work forms a design of its own. Image 18 x 32 Framed 28 x 42 with hand stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist. $15,000. |
panther power |
Panther Power
The Black Panther was from rescue center. His Name is "Prince" and he used to be a Las Vegas performer. It was time for him to retire but he still had showmanship. When I photographed him, he was so majestic. He seemed to know his name was "Prince". Image 20 x 26 Framed 30 x 36 with hand stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist. $14,000. |
ka mi mi la onci
Ka Mi Mi la Onci means Grandmother Butterfly in the Lakota Language.
Jo Beth was 17 years old and had just graduated from high school she was at the beginning her life anew. She was wearing a buckskin dress that I had made from three deer hides with my beaded Apache style necklace. Jo Beth wore my dress into the Cheyenne River and she cupped her hands scooping the water and letting it flow through her fingers. The Black Swallow Tail butterfly represents change and transformation and this was what I saw in Jo Beth. In the middle view her body is the body of the butterfly. My Lakota friends told me that when a woman is on a vision quest and is visited by butterflies, it is said she is visited by the Grandmothers. Image 36 x 59 Framed 48 x 69 with hand stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist. $60,000. |
tiger tiger |
Tiger Tiger The Bengal Tiger transforms into a Tiger Swallow Tail Butterfly. When pausing at the middle view, the two images combine to create an illusion of a mask. The tiger’s name is Saginaw and he was raised from a cub at Out of Africa Park in AZ. The original paintings are connected with fine seed beads that have been strung in a design. If you view the painting from the extreme edge, you can see a butterfly design in the bead work. Image 36 x 36 Framed 48 x 48 with hand stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist.
$39,000. |
walks with god |
Walks With God The White Tiger transforms into a White Tiger Swallow Tail Butterfly. If you pause at the middle, the two images combine to create an illusion of a mask. The Tiger is from Out of Africa Park in AZ. His name is Elijah which in Hebrew means “Walks With God”. The original paintings are connected with fine seed beads that have been strung in a design. If you view the painting from the extreme edge, you can see a butterfly design in the beadwork. Image 26 x 34 Framed 36 x 44 with hand stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist.
$32,000. |
elk dreamer |
Elk Dreamer
The Plains Indian tribes believed that certain people had the power of Elk Medicine. The Elk Dreamer had abilities to find herds of animals at hunting time and could help a young man find the right mate. The symbols of an Elk Dreamer were elk designs with lightning bolts coming from the eyes, much like Cupid and his arrows. The elk demonstrate the power of love. These designs are prominent on the left side of the painting in the shield of the Elk Dreamer. Flanking the shield are the bull and cow elk. The other side of the painting shows the star crossed match of the handsome Cowboy and beautiful Indian maiden. Notice the color and designs of the blanket that he is putting around her.They are similar to the pattern created in the bead design that connects to two paintings together. The design can be seen from an extreme side angle. The top layer has elk on one side and lightning on the other. When you stand in the middle all the parts come together and fit like puzzle pieces. You will see the lightning coming out of the elk at the top. You can also see the Indian maiden and her cowboy lover and the shield flanked by the bull and cow elk. Image 38 x 28 Framed 48 x 38 with hand stitched Suede and beaded mats designed by the artist.
$36,000. |