Original Acrylic Paintings on Canvas
Because of my background as a Scratch Board Artist, I like to start with a dark canvas. Instead of pencil, I use a yellow Ochre paint to sketch out my designs and figures. I begin blocking in colors and adding more layers and details.
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Roadrunners mate for life and are both involved in the raising of their babies. Both take turns either hunting for food of sitting on the nest. Since the male and female look alike, there is no clear way to tell who is on the nest and who is hunting. The nests appear to be randomly
built but I've watched them build and they are quite particular about each stick and where it goes. They will even slam the |
twigs on the ground to break them into exactly the right size. Some human parents could learn from these birds in Parenting 101. |
desert snowflake |
Desert Snowflake
30 x 40 Gallery Wrapped Edges 1 1/4 inch deep $5,500. The Hedgehog cactus is common to the Southwest and as I was taking a walk, I noticed this one in full bloom. From the top down it almost looked like a snowflake pattern. I added the Monarch butterfly to complete the Desert Snowflake.
red carpet diva |
Red Carpet Diva 24 x 20 Framed - $2,500. I use the cactus from around my house and in the desert behind my house. I have a feeder outside my window and have plenty of models for my hummers. Our most common species of hummingbirds in the Las Cruces area are the Broad tail, Black Chinned and Rufus.
Cinnamon and Sugar Image 18 x 24 24 x 30 Framed $2800. Don't you just love how delicately this little bear is inching the feeder toward her? This little Cinnamon colored BlackBear is about to have some sugar if the hummers will let her.
Now you know if you’ve ever maintained a Hummingbird feeder, there are always ants. Notice them waiting in the grass for the sugar drops to fall. |
Equine Solstice Original Acrylic Painting on Canvas Gallery Wrapped edges 24 x 36 Framed $4700. The summer and winter solstices are in balance as a Yin and Yang design with the burst of lights from the center crystals.
The painting is wired to hang four different directions as a horizontal or vertical painting. |
The Messenger 12X 24 Framed Acrylic on Canvas $1800. I had a chance to photograph this beutiful Harris Hawk as she was transported to a wildlife clinic to be treated for burn from and electric wire. She was abeautiful bird with a beartiful spirit. I knew I would be painting her the moment we met.
the mystic |
The Mystic 20 x 24 Framed. $2,500. This barn owl was stretching his wing. I used the feather patterns to create the circle pattern that is reminiscent of the moon. The owl is considered a visionary and for many Native Americans of the Southwest, it is believed that owls should be avoided as they are the bringer of bad news. The Native tribes of the Northwest and some North Eastern tribes have a higher opinion of owls and they are placed at the |
tops of the totem poles. Personally, I love the little guys and have done many paintings of them. I always contribute a portion of the sales of my originals that involve the rescue animals to the various centers that are working to preserve their populations.
Star Bears 24 x 48 Framed $6,500. A large Grizzly Bear against a star-lit sky with the constellations "Big Bear" and "Little Bear" or Ursa Major and Ursa Minor. Two Grizzly bears flank both sides of the large bear. They are sweeping the cosmic dust with their giant paws and creating comets and colorful Nebula's that form the Star Bears.
black hills gold |
Black Hills Gold 16 x 12 Framed $1,200. I had an opportunity to watch a bird that was being rehabilitated. Her handler was teaching her to hunt using Falconry techniques. He had a portion of a rabbit and showed her the game. She was on the ground and took flight when she saw the game. She soared high in a spiral above us. I was in position with my camera pointed up as the bird began her stoop.
Dropping like a rock and screaming she went straight for the rabbit and I didn't get the picture as I was in too much awe to take it. She grabbed the rabbit and went to a high rock to enjoy her meal. Believe me, I remember it clearly to this day as I can even hear her piercing scream in that dramatic dive. |
Window of Opportunity 24 x 48 $5500. The donkey's name is Rambo and he is full of mischief. I'm sure that if he had a chance to nibble on Geraniums, he would have taken the opportunity. The window and Geraniums were at the Lundeen Gallery in Las Cruces, NM. Rambo was in Colorado, but it sure made a good story!
Original Acrylic painting on canvas 24 x 18 Framed $3,000. |
The painting is part of a set pairing with Apache Spirit Pony. An Apache Burden Basket from the artists, personal collection is included. The Original pony is paired with Kathy Morrow's original Trail of painted ponies form, Apache Spirit Pony 6" x 9".
Apache Burden Baskets are hand crafted from Cotton Wood bark and Mulberry sticks and are used as utility baskets to gather fruit, berries, herbs or nuts and also to carry items. These baskets are still used in traditional Apache ceremonies today. The dark weave is the outside bark and the light weave is the inside of the bark. Apache women normally carried the basket against their backs with a strap across the forehead for support. The basket is wrapped with leather at the top to provide greater support and durability. The baskets are decorated with numerous |
leather strips with tin cones on the ends. The tin cones jingle when the basket is moved. This sound was said to ward off snakes as the women walked through the desert.
My sister, Veronica is my model for this painting. She is Apache and Dine (Navajo) Our parents adopted her when she was 9 years old. She has inspired many of my paintings and those of other artists. you will see her face on many Lean'in Tree Cards. |
DREAM CATCHERDream Catcher 24 x 36 Framed with custom leather and brass corner insets designed by the artist $4500. |
Dream Catcher My sister Veronica is the model for this painting. She is Apache and Dine (Navajo) My parents adopted her when she was 9 years old. She has modeled for other paintings for me and also for other artists. Early one morning, we waited for the sun rise to break on the horizon and I had Veronica pose by resting her head on fur skins and we positioned a dream catcher so that the shadows would play across her face. The Butterflies are coming through to light of the sun and landing on her hair. It is said that they spider web like design of the dream catcher will filter out the bad dreams and only let good dreams pass through the hole in the |
center. When the sun rises in the morning the bad dreams are burned away. One of my Native friends says that the strongest dream catchers should be given as gifts, not purchased for oneself. I have made many dream catchers from the desert willows that grow around our house in New Mexico.
nevermore |
Nevermore 36 x 24 Framed $4500. Stormy has been my friend and model since 1990. She introduced me to a friend of hers who works with the rehabilitation of birds from the crow family. Stormy calls her friend "Crow Woman". The young Raven that is sitting on Stormy's shoulder is named "Grizz" He really liked Stormy and was interested in her hair in particular. We had a great morning with Grizz.
old friends |
Old Friends 36 x 24 Framed $5,000. Old Friends was inspired by my friend Chief David Bald Eagle of the Lakota tribe and his American Paint Horse named "Chief". David has trained Chief to respond to the traditional war bridal used by the Plains Indians that is a loop going around the lower jaw. Much of the control of the horses movements is done by the pressures of the riders body to communicate with the horse Chief follows David whenever he goes outside like a puppy. They have been friends for a long time and Old Friends seemed like the right name. David was born in 1918 and his grandfather White Bull was in the Battle of the Little Big Horn.
I have created a Trail of Painted Ponies form that goes with the painting Old Friends, it is called The Chief Pony. Chief is wearing a sculptured replica of one of David Bald Eagles, full length eagle feather bonnets. |
santa's rainbow |
Santa's Rainbow 12 x 16 $1500. Jay Lewis "Pilgrim" is helping 3 year old, Gissell bring in a beautiful Rainbow Trout. Actually we tied chocolate candies to the line and she was really getting into this fishing business. We did convince her to let her mama hold her "fish" for her as she threw out her line for another, and another, and another. This was so much fun that I got to re-live the whole event as I painted. It's a good catch!
laughing rabbits |
Laughing Rabbits
16 x 20 Framed $1,800. Curtis Little is of the Lakota Nation has modeled for me since he was a toddler. In this painting he was nine years old and had his pet rabbit with him. I loved the expression on his face as he was trying to get the rabbit interested in a carrot while dancing rabbits surround the moon
little big man |
Little Big Man 16 x 20 Framed with custom leather and hand beaded corner insets designed by the artist. $1,800. Eugene Little was 4 years old in this painting and was trying on his fathers buffalo horns and cape. It's too big for him and he has to hold the horns up. As we watch how fast children grow, we know it won't be long until he is a young man. His mother, Gloria Little, made the buckskin shirt he is wearing and designs and makes beautiful traditional leather garments.